New York Guys Around With Braces

Friday, March 18, 2005


Required Items:

Species Plants, We Resist the Sour Tastes
Handful Shrimps
Natural Gravy
Trembling Cat Bound Hard
Thin Wide Fig Mixture, Fat Inside
Frying Bath
Meal Base Hard Pellets
18 Bread Bowls
Aromatic Pulls Treated Interior, Several Goats
Big Pot
3 Quarts McShivvers Old Harsh Liquor
42 Inch Soft Cheeses
Ice Water
Hot Mushroom Slices
Cooling Station


1. Perfect timing! The theory here is, party in between cold and hot, but fire up your Frying Bath. It's job is done at 600 Degrees F.

2. You must arrange your Trembling Cat Bound Hard on the edge of the action in the smoke and splatter. Note that boiling oil however! Co-mingle your Meal Base Hard Pellets and your Thin Wide Fig Mixture, Fat Inside in a round way. These belong in your Big Pot simmering and watched closely at 275 Degrees F.

3. You might think incorrectly that your Hot Mushroom Slices belong in your Big Pot, but that's because you've never tried anything difficult. Nearly everything goes in that Frying Bath: Handful Shrimps, Hot Mushroom Slices, Aromatic Pulls Treated Interior, Several Goats and your Species Plants, We Resist the Sour Tastes.

4. With so many pieces cooking, add your 3 Quarts McShivvers Old Harsh Liquor into that Big Pot. Stir up. It's sticky.

5. Cooking objects in your Frying Bath can be popped into your Big Pot now. Raise the temperature to about 375 Degrees F so that everyone's compromising. Frying Bath goes to the Cooling Station.

6. Arrange your Bread Bowls to accept one daunting scoop from your mixed Big Pot each. Do it!

7. Your Bread Bowls are in shock, so cover them with your 42 Inch Soft Cheese. Hey, Flatland! Your 42 Inch Soft Cheese will want to melt ambient, so slow pour essential Ice Water to keep it from running.

8. Final Servings include Natural Gravy. The temperature here isn't important, because the party's been so up and down Tasting Tuna in the Crack, On the Old Side.

Let that Trembling Cat go!


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