New York Guys Around With Braces

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The HOT List

Stephen, be so-so at best and pick the items up. We have no demerit system. You talk out. Get the following, and you know pickle precisely the hot steamer you stepped in. At that, don't take a wingman.


Hot bench, French make.
The cackle cabin.
Ten "Costco" branded bags peanut treats.
Bottled water, enough for a long trip.
Clean underpants as hankies/rags; Clean underpants as delicates.
The easel.

I Love You,
Doctor Eight

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Performance Field Report, NYGA\B up in arms about Neighborhood Crack-Downs, Fierce Planning and Substance, But A Little Thin. We’ve Missed You.

Laser alert. No more hold-ups -- prick your ears and get planning through the cheap sleep this little “break” has afforded who, I don’t know. Some aught list of demanded reportees to gaspgasp PRIVATE SESSION for you know just what. Can’t remember? Fog?

JUNIORS [All Temp. Suspension]
Barry Steele - Hardware tampering. Inexcusable. Your ass is grass, in Stephen’s vernacular.

Adam Panper - Your big mouth has landed you out of favor. Shut it and seal it with a smile.

Bryce Waters - This is no social engagement. We do good. We do good. You will fear lethargy, and pick out a dandy opportunity to help some aught deserving across the way. Oh, how do I pick? Use your heart, crumbbun.

Josh Oliveira - You disgust me. You will be judged and punished. Come in loose fitting clothes.

Aron Epstein - Do no wrong? Where are you living? Up and out. We’ll see how you like the manual side of burnt rubber.

Sean Pepper - The bike routes remain out of date and, fairly, underscrutinized. For the sake of our part-hearts, do your job, and we’ll be sure that you’re happier.

S.T.A.L.L.I.O.N. - Couldn’t be bothered to distribute and leave it to your lustful little doves? Your founding hard-on pickles recent efforts, made, truth getting down now, in our name. Overheard: hey, what gives with him? I loved him.

Stephen - Shame on you. Shame.

Friday is the day that you all will pay. We will be a family again.

Doctor Eight